Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Winnie The Pooh - Group - Filofax Inserts

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Click on size for your download
A4 A5 Compact Personal Pocket

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Miranda's research of grandparents love story

Armand and Anna's marraige during the war turned into a fifty year agreement never to speak or see each other again. Miranda wants to know what happened and why it happened well she find out before it's to late? If she finds out the truth well that have any impact on her realationship with her grandparents?

Miranda is in search of answer's in the mystery of why her grandparents haven't spoken to each other in 50 years. The answers she finds not only reveat the why's but also reveals the life her grandparents lived during the war. Across the ocean her bond with her grandmother is just as strong if not stronger. In France Miranda has created a special bond with her grandfather. While in France she has fell in love with her grandparents ruin down house they purchased and then with a great man.

Not only has she learned that her grandmother had a reason for peaking in half sentences and riddles. This book is full of history and life long lessons. Miranda's realationship with her grandmother reminds me of the realationship my gram and I had. A unspoken word or a strong connection between a grandparent (grandmother) and grandchildren (granddaughter) is ust as rare as finding a four leaf clover.

Miranda compares her grandparents to magnets. "They were like the north poles of two magnets, impossible to pust close enough together." Armand receives an invitation from Miranda for her Bat Mitzaih; her responed in a very quick manner which was rare for him. His response is heart breaking "beining in the same room as Anna (Miranda's grandmother) it would cause them to have simultaneous heart attacks and die." Miranda is so set on finding out why her grandparents have not spoke or seen each other in 50 years that she gets a student visa to La Roche not only because; she wanted to find out what happened between her grandparent but also because she fell in love with the house Armand and Anna bought.

Anna and Miranda wrote letters to and from each other. Miranda asking questions about dates and Anna giving bread crumbes of informatnion. Amarand and Miranda would sit, have tea and talk about the war or certian dates that is until she brough up, Anna then he would go off on a rant or shut down until the topic was changed.Miranda had a routine of placing her shoes by the door and constantly thinking of viable hiding places to hide. This routine was somehow related to her granparents but she really didn't understand how or why.

Her non-Jewish father remarking "this will all come down to you, Miranda. You're goint to have to figure out hot to carry it all." Duing a visit with Armand Miranda walked in with a handful of four leaf clovers. She held out the colvvers to him as a little offering but he didn't accept them he recoiled violently, color left his face, he looked horrified and croaked "you're all witches." Spring break Anna informs her children she want to go to Alba to see the house her and Armand bout so many years ago. Miranda offeres to go with her grandmother who is dead set on going to France one last time.

"I had seen changes in her myself, but I had not yet realized it was possible for my grandmother to actually diminish or weaken in any way." That statement made me think of my gram who once was this strong woman that became weak and child like. There is a part in this book were Miranda is helping Anna underdress she wished she was a little gril and her grandmother was invincilbe again. What little little girl who had a close knit bond with her grandmother woulnd't wish for the impossible? Anna sshowed she still cared and loved Armand whe she told Miranda "It's good you'll be close to your grandfather. You can keep and eye on him. He needs you."

Another statement in this wonderful book made me smell and think of my gramps. "He puffed on his pie which made the dining room smell rich and warm." After reading that statement I could see my gramps in his chair watching a John Wayne film, and smoiking his pipe. I could even smeel his tavvacco clear as day. If one statement can envoke all those memories then the author has real talent. Armand and never talked to or about each other to anyone.

So Miranda never knew when her grandparents were married, until she went through some photocopied letters from her grand mother. She came across a letter from Anna to the Swiss Federal Police offices. Can you imagine having to request to have your own money released to you? As one point in this Miranda compares her grandparents story to the faiytale "Little Red Riding Hood." Armand loses his memory of current events but his life during the war and being a translator haunts him and becomes reality all over again. Anna had a motive for Miranda to move to France to be close to her grandfather and that movite is a very sweet one. I will not tell you that motive you will have to read it for yourself. "

Here is a quote from the book that will touch your heart and soul in some way. "I imagined that the galazy of memories that accompanied each name and I hope each one had a person like me attached to it, scrabling to remember, to stitch together a story before it was to late. "

Quotes from the boo: That I found interesting
"That is like shitting on someone's doorstep, ringing the doorbell and asking for toilet paper." (This quote has me in stitches")< /br> "Each of us has our own ways of connecting with the world of the dead." < /br> "A grave is nothing. Just the ground they put your body in."
"Anonyomous drops in the rainstorm of history."
"If you imagine that you are worth more than the others vecause the war has spared you, you are wrong." (very true indeed)
"What do you have to do to make a baby? Open your legs twice in nine months, that what?" (This quote had me laughing for an hour)
"But to raise a child that requires experience and wisdom."

Friday, March 6, 2015

Filofax - Color Coding - Secrets / Ideas

Have you ever went to pick paint out for your living room, dinning room. kitchen etc.? Now that you have a handful of paint color scheme cards. What does one do with those paint color scheme cards? Well I 've got a little so called secret to share with you. You can use them for color coding or tabs for your dividers.

Color coding is not for everyone but if you are a color coder then this code be a very inexpensive way to color code. A lot of people use sickers, an index card with the color written out and what that color means which is time consuming and we all know that time is very percious. So this will not only free up your time but safe you money too.
Color Coding Tip (for health, payday, to do's, etc):
pick your colors
write your topic on a specific color (i.e. green = payday)
Punch hole in card so it is locked in the center rings of your filofax
Use a color pencil, pen or marker for your calendar / daily planner

Color coding isn't just for medical, gym, bills due, income, etc it can also be used for sections. I am the type of person that changes her mind about what should be in my filofax and have to change the divider because I changed my mind. Well I have a tip for you. Using those paint color scheme cards from the hardware store you can color code your sections as well.
Color Coding Tip (section):
pick your colors grab 2 cards of the same color
write your topic on a specific color use a pencil (i.e. red = medical / health)
Punch hole in card so it is locked in the center rings of your filofax
Cut that color off the 2nd card either glue it to your divider (write the name of the section in pencil) or purchase those tabs where you slip a small piece of paper in them (you remember the ones we needed for JR High and High school). If you are using the tabs just cut off the color you want and slip it into the tab.
Time saving and cheap!

I hope this post has inspired you to think out of the box, save time and money. If you have a tip you would like to share leave a comment and I will add it to the bottom of this post. Thank you for stopping by and please do come back as I update often. Have a creative day!

Digital Scrapbooking - Color Scheme - Secrets / Ideas

Have you ever wondered how designers of digital scrap kits come up with their color schemes? I am not sure how others come up with theirs but I'll share my secrets with you. Let me start by saying there is no right or wrong way of digital scrap booking or choosing your color scheme. But I will say this "Inspiration is the main foundation of digital scrap booking." (or at least that is the way I feel)

Some of my kits have been inspired by Pay To Use / Free To Use Paint Shop Pro Tubes, nature (pictures I have taken), or in the hardware store. Yes you read that correctly the hardware store. My secret may not be a secret to everyone but a lot of my inspiration comes from the hardware store. So you may be wondering how in the world does your inspiration from the hardware store. Well the paint section is where my inspiration comes from no I do not hoard those paint sample cards.

No I don't take pictures of those cards or the wall and no I don't take the cards and scan them into my computer. Here is what I do and I have found that this is not only greenest way to complete a color scheme but it take no space in a file, on a desk or even your hard drive. I am not sure if any of you know this but you can go to the manufacture of the paint and create a free account. Once you create your account, you can browse the paint section or go into the inspiration section to have a look around; once you find the colors you want some sites have the opition of creating a sample card that you can save to your inspiration / project section of your account.

There are days when I just go into my saved color scheme and get side tracked to the paint / inspiration section of the site. I can sit here for hours and just create color schemes to save for later use. Please remember that it may not be a secret to everyone but it is my secret. If that makes any sense at all. I hope this little post has helped inspired you in some way.

Some links for you to explore:
Val Spar
Bejamin Moore

Monday, March 2, 2015

Rainbow In The Cloud: The Wisdom and Spirit of Maya Angelou

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Summary Rainbow in the Cloud offers resonant and rewarding quotes on such topics as creativity and culture, family and community, equality and race, values and spirituality, parenting and relationships. Perhaps most special, Maya Angelou’s only son, Guy Johnson, has contributed some of his mother’s most powerful sayings, shared directly with him and the members of their family.(Summary is from Amazon.com)

Maya Angelou shares advice, wisdom, observations and humor within the pages of this book. There are several quotes I've highlighted to share but thought only a few will be shared the rest I will save for later.
The words written upon these pages were a comfort to me. Maya Angelou gives advice on everything but her advice on self-love speaks volumes. I loved this book with every word I read I could hear Maya Angelou speaking the words. This book was inspiring, hit home and I was sad to see the book come to an end. I was inspired by this quote: "Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome Good!"
Another quote from this book that I hold dear to my heart and soul is this: "One should never let the love of one's child prevent or hinder the vital and necessary work of parenting.
If these quotes have touched you in anyway please go to your local library to check the book out or purchase the book from Amazon or your local book store. I would love to hear your thoughts, comments or quotes that have touched you so please leave a comment below if you have read this book.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Exciting News

Hello and welcome back. I have some exciting news to share with all of you. My addiction to reading has become to much to bear. That is right I am a book junky. I have been reading books and hoarding my book reviews and not it is time I stop hoarding them and start sharing them. That is right I am going to share my current book reviews with all of you.

So you are wondering why just the current book reviews well I figure you would rather get a fresh take on a book then one I did over a year ago. I mean at some time I would love to add all of my reviews but I just want to take it one day at a time. The first book review will be posted on March 1st. I hope you all come back to see the book that I am reviewing. All books will be held until the review sort of like a surprise. If you would like a book to be reviewed just leave me a comment and I will add it to my "To be read and reviewed" list.

Again thank you for coming back to my blog. I hope to see you all again soon and I hope to get to know everyone on some level that visits my blog. This can only happen through comments. So please leave your comments all over the blog if you like or just on posts that catches your eye. Again thank you and see you soon.


Monday, February 16, 2015

Face Keeper

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Knitting Loom- Circular
Crochet hook size H:
Tapestry Needle


Holding your knitting loom cast on using the E-Wrap Method. If you don’t know how to do this you can find the tutorial for the E Wrap Method
Rnd 1: Wrap every peg so there are 2 loops on the peg. Pull the bottom loop over the top loop.
Rnd 2 - 13: Repeat Rnd 1
Rnd 14 – 20: Wrap every peg 2 times so there are 3 loops on the peg. Pull bottom over the top 2 loops, and then pull the bottom loop over the top
Rnd 21 – 26: wrap every peg so there are 2 loops on the peg. Pull the bottom over the top loop.
Rnd 27: Cast off. If you don’t know how to do this you can find a tutorial for Casting Off
Using the crochet hook sc all the way around or you can sl st (I sl st and found that it was too tight for my liking) Weave in your tails.

Tip to washing any knitted or crochet item: Purchase an allergy pillow cover you can get these at K-Mart, Walmart, or Target for cheap sometimes you can find them at the Dollar Tree. Make sure you get the zipper kind. Place your garment in the pillow cover, zip it up, wash and dry inside the cover.

Have a creative day! Thank you for your interest in my Face Keeper Pattern. I would love to see your finished products just leave a link or image in the comment. Any questions or comments please leave them in the comments as well. Again thank you for stopping but and be sure to check back often.

Regards, Karma

Monday, February 9, 2015

Paying it forward

While watching my favorite daytime talk show The Real Tamar Braxton, Tamera Mowry-Housley, Loni Love, Jeannie Mai, and Adrienne Baiton opened my eyes wider then they are when a police officer is in the news for something they did wrong or are accused of doing something wrong. It is awful how some people in law enforcement uses their badge, their authority and tactics learned in the Police Academy to protect the citizens of their community. These ladies remind us that not all people in law enforcement are abusive / abusing their badge, authority and training.

Take a look for yourselves and tell me that it is not refreshing to see this Officer not only using his training, authority and badge to protect his community but he takes it to the next level by paying it forward.

I hope we see more law enforcement giving back to their community and to our youth. Congratulations! Officer Bradley for not only setting an example for our youth but for also setting the bar and the example to your fellow officers. Thank you Tamar, Tamera, Loni, Jeannie and Adrienne for showing the world that there is still hope.

Please read about Officer Marchello Bradley of Maryland and how he does more than protects and serves. If you know someone who is currently paying it forward and you would like to nominate them please go here

Sick of wet items laying in a pile on the floor?

I for one can not stand wet items laying around the house or in a pile on the bathroom floor. As a mother of 4 (who are grown but still leave wet towels on the bathroom floor), a grandmother of 2 (2 yrs old and 8 months old) burb cloths, bibs, soiled clothing and wet wash cloths are always hanging over the tub. (well when I have them), and a wife of a spoiled husband that loves to leave wet clothing hanging on the kitchen chairs.

In the March 2015 issue (I do not subscribe to the magazine I get it from the public library) of This Old house a household solution was shared on how to get a handle on wet gear. Not only was it a great idea but it is an easy solution that is pocket friendly. This household solution uses vintage porcelain handles as hooks. The writer says that you can get these vintage handles on Ebay for as little as $5.00. When they are not being used to dry clothing and umbrellas it is a creative way to add a little extra decorative discussion piece.

For other little home solutions, easy upgrades or spring cleaning tips please check out This Old House take a look around their site. It has lots of past solutions, upgrades, and DYI's. If you see something interesting comment it below and why you find it interesting.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Reds N Pinks, Hearts N Roses,

Love is in the air. Yes, I know it's not February yet but I thought it would be nice to share this FiloFax / Planner insert set with you. I am still working on other sizes but wanted to get this posted.

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This set includes:
    1 Divider
    Weekly Planning on 2 pages
    Daily Planning 7 days
    Journal 4 pages

Classic Size: 5.5 * 8.5


Welcome to Karma's Creative Imagination! Where my wild imagination has taken control and has creations from Crochet Patterns and Items, Filofax / Planner Inserts, Signature Tags, Incredimail Letters, O.E. Stationary, Printable Stationary, Digital Scrap Kits, Paint Shop Pro Tutorials to Book Reviews, Product Reviews, and Book Discussions. So please take a look around, feel free to lurk about, request items, request me to do a book review on a certain book or just jump in on any book review.  Thank you for lurking about. Have a creative day! Please be sure to check back often.
